Category Archives: Node.js

The Voxgig Podcast Chatbot: Triggering Ingestion, and some Debugging DX

This is the third post in a series I’m writing about a new Minimal Viable Product we’ve released at Voxgig that turns your podcast into a chatbot. Your visitors can now ask your guests questions directly! The first post is … Continue reading

Posted in chatbot, Node.js, senecajs | Leave a comment

The Voxgig Podcast Chatbot: First, Subscribe!

This is the third post in a series I’m writing about a new Minimal Viable Product we’ve released at Voxgig that turns your podcast into a chatbot. Your visitors can now ask your guests questions directly! The first post is … Continue reading

Posted in chatbot, Node.js, senecajs | Leave a comment

The Voxgig Podcast Chatbot is Production Code

This post is part of a series. This is the second post in a series I’m writing about a new Minimal Viable Product we’ve released at Voxgig that turns your podcast into a chatbot. Your visitors can now ask your guests … Continue reading

Posted in chatbot, Node.js, senecajs | Leave a comment

Building a Podcast Chatbot for Voxgig

This post is part of a series. At Voxgig we have now recorded 140 podcast episodes (as of Feb 2024). That’s a lot of chatting about developer relations. It’s great if you are a regular listener (thanks!), or have the time … Continue reading

Posted in chatbot, Node.js, senecajs | Leave a comment

@seneca/repl version 2.x plan

I’m updating the @seneca/repl plugin! Here is the basic plan. NOTE: There’s a @seneca/repl dev Github Project to track this work. The @seneca/repl plugin provides a REPL for the seneca microservices framework. It is one of the earliest plugins, and … Continue reading

Posted in Node.js, senecajs | 1 Comment

Seneca, A Microservices framework for Node.js

The release of Seneca 1.0 represents 5 years of open source evolution, and not a little blood, sweat and tears. The thing I am most happy about is the fact that I did not do the release – Wyatt had … Continue reading

Posted in Node.js, Uncategorized | 13 Comments

How to Make Simple Node.js Modules Work in the Browser

Node.js is all about writing small, simple modules that do one thing, and do it well. This can be taken to extremes by crazy people. There’s even a module for multi-line strings! Some people can’t resist writing frameworks either. This … Continue reading

Posted in Node.js | 10 Comments

Introducing, a search engine for Node.js modules

I made a bet on a new programming platform 3 years ago, and it paid off. Every line of code that has earned me money since then has been run by Node.js. In case you missed it, Node.js is the … Continue reading

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Introducing the Parambulator module for validating “options” objects in Node.js

If you’ve used any Node.js modules at all, you’ll have noticed a common pattern with configuration. Many modules provide complex functionality that you can control by providing a JavaScript object with a bunch of named options, possibly with sub options. … Continue reading

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Node.js – How to Write a For Loop With Callbacks

Let’s say you have 10 files that you need to upload to your web server. 10 very large files. You need to write an upload script because it needs to be an automated process that happens every day. You’ve decided … Continue reading

Posted in Node.js | 23 Comments