New Title 2.0

I've decided to change the title of my blog. I haven't been happy with the old one for a while.

It was a play on the film How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, but I don't think it ever really worked.

I've been working on some new directions for the business, with new products due for release later this year, so the 2.0 moniker seems right. Now I just need to check with Tim

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Update: Firefox crashing with too many fonts

Yep, you read right. Too many fonts and bye-bye Firefox.

And by “too-many” I mean one more than the number of standard windows fonts…

You know, it really sucks. Firefox is so cool, but this is just not on. I was using Opera before I found this fix and you know what? Opera kicks ass. It's a damn fine browser and it hardly ever crashes these days. Back in the day I never used Opera because it was always bloody crashing. Must be Firefox's turn eh?

This “Interwebnet” thing will never catch on…

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Firefox and Thunderbird Crashing Randomly

I am not a happy camper.

Firefox and Thunderbird on my Windows 2000 box are crashing completely at random. It seems like some sites and emails are toxic! Thunderbird even dies sometimes when scrolling.

Being of the software mindset I have poked and prodded at this problem a bit, but I'm stuck. Here's the killer: both work perfectly on my XP laptop. Killer huh?

And yes, I've done all usual stuff like reinstalling, new profiles, compacting, yada yada, etc. etc.

Like I said, not a happy camper at all, at all.

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Race Condition in Ruby GServer

I've been playing around with Ruby lately, trying to write a UDP server. Of course, the way to write servers in Ruby is apparently (I'm still a bit new at this Ruby malarky) to subclass GServer.

And what a fine piece of code GServer is! Really does the job and shows just how easy it is to do stuff in Ruby. If you want to a TCP server.

But I needed a UDP server. So after much messing about I came up with the following half-baked solution. Please feel free to tear to pieces. I should remind you however that this code is WOMM certified.

# with apologies to John W. Small

require "socket"
require "thread"

class UServer


  def serve(io,content)

  @@services = {}   # Hash of opened ports, i.e. services
  @@servicesMutex =

  def UServer.stop(port, 
                   host = DEFAULT_HOST, 
                   trans = DEFAULT_TRANSPORT)
    @@servicesMutex.synchronize {

  def UServer.in_service?(port, 
                          host = DEFAULT_HOST, 
                          trans = DEFAULT_TRANSPORT)
    @@services.has_key?(host) and 
      @@services[host].has_key?(port) and

  def stop
    @connectionsMutex.synchronize  {
      if @serverThread
        @serverThread.raise "stop"

  def stopped?
    nil == @serverThread

  def shutdown
    @shutdown = true

  def connections

  def join
    @serverThread.join if @serverThread

  attr_reader :port, :host, :trans, :maxConnections
  attr_accessor :stdlog, :audit, :debug

  def connecting(client)
    addr = client.peeraddr
    log("#{self.class.to_s} #{@host}:#{@port} #{@trans} client:#{addr[1]} " +
        "#{addr[2]}<#{addr[3]}> connect")

  def disconnecting(clientPort)
    log("#{self.class.to_s} #{@host}:#{@port} #{@trans}" +
      "client:#{clientPort} disconnect")

  protected :connecting, :disconnecting

  def starting()
    log("#{self.class.to_s} #{@host}:#{@port} #{@trans} start")

  def stopping()
    log("#{self.class.to_s} #{@host}:#{@port} #{@trans} stop")

  protected :starting, :stopping

  def error(detail)

  def log(msg)
    if @stdlog
      @stdlog.puts("[#{}] %s" % msg)

  protected :error, :log

  def initialize(port, host = DEFAULT_HOST, trans = DEFAULT_TRANSPORT, maxConnections = 4,
    stdlog = $stderr, audit = false, debug = false)
    @serverThread = nil
    @port = port
    @host = host
    @trans = trans
    @maxConnections = maxConnections
    @connections = []
    @connectionsMutex =
    @connectionsCV =
    @stdlog = stdlog
    @audit = audit
    @debug = debug

  def start(maxConnections = -1)
    raise "running" if !stopped?
    @shutdown = false
    @maxConnections = maxConnections if maxConnections > 0
    @@servicesMutex.synchronize  {
      if UServer.in_service?(@port,@host,@trans)
        raise "Port already in use: #{host}:#{@port} #{@trans}!"

      if "TCP" == @trans
        @server =,@port)
        @server =,@port)

      @@services[@host] = {} unless @@services.has_key?(@host)
      @@services[@host][@port] = {} unless @@services[@host].has_key?(@port)
      @@services[@host][@port][@trans] = self;
    @serverThread = {
        starting if @audit
        while !@shutdown
          @connectionsMutex.synchronize  {
          puts "start @con.size=#{@connections.size}"
             while @connections.size >= @maxConnections

          client, port, close, content = @server.accept

,port,close,content)  { 
            |myClient, myPort, myClose, myContent|

            @connectionsMutex.synchronize {
              @connections << Thread.current
              serve(myClient,myContent) if !@audit or connecting(myClient)
              puts "finished serve"
            rescue => detail
              error(detail) if @debug
                if myClose

              @connectionsMutex.synchronize {

              disconnecting(myPort) if @audit
      rescue => detail
        error(detail) if @debug
        if @shutdown
          @connectionsMutex.synchronize  {
             while @connections.size > 0
          @connections.each { |c| c.raise "stop" }
        @serverThread = nil
        @@servicesMutex.synchronize  {
        stopping if @audit


class ContentTCPServer

  def initialize( host, port )
    @server =,port)
  def accept
    client = @server.accept
    return [client,client.peeraddr[1],true,client.gets(nil)]

  def close 


class ContentUDPServer

  def initialize( host, port )
    puts "init"

    @socket =
    puts "new s: #{@socket} on #{host}:#{port}"

    @socket.bind(host, port)
    puts "bound: #{@socket}"
  def accept
    puts "accept"

    packet = @socket.recvfrom(1024)
    return [@socket, 0, false, packet[0]]

  def close 


Lovely! Who says Java can't be translated into Ruby? I even used duck typing!

Anyway, see if you can spot the significant difference in thread handling between this and the original GServer.

Well, OK, here it is:

GServer says:

@connections <<  { |myClient|

I say:,port,close,content)  { |myClient, myPort, myClose, myContent|
  @connectionsMutex.synchronize {
    @connections << Thread.current

What happened was that UDP packets were handled so quickly that the thread was (mostly) never placed in the @connections list until after it was (supposedly) removed from the list by

@connectionsMutex.synchronize {

at the end of the request thread. Seems like a nasty race condition to me. My code just makes sure that the thread is placed into the @connections list before nasty stuff can happen.

Am I right? You tell me…

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Demand Curve for Java Software Components

I'm going to give some insider information. When I was starting up my components business I found it nearly impossible to get an data on what my sales would look like. So now that I've had a couple of years to collect some data on my own products, I'm going to let you have a little look at it.

The most critical decision you face for a new product is how to price it. There's all sorts of stuff written about this. And all sorts of names for the various strategies: skimming, penetration, cost-plus, etc. Go read Joel for a nice introduction.

Anyway, what I'm going to give you is my demand curve, and my revenue curve. Hmm. I don't know if it's called a revenue curve, but it seems like a good name. It's the one where instead of showing price, like in the demand curve, you show total revenue. Basically, price by units sold. Both curves show values per month. Right, on with the show:

My Demand Curve

My Revenue Curve

Ah. Number's eh? Actual revenue numbers? ROFL mate!

Nope, sorry, can't give you actual revenue numbers or units sold. Confidential business information and all that.

Still, if you're thinking of getting into the software components business, these curves will give you something to chew on. Let me explain them a bit more.

First, the demand curve does show the product price. That's public knowledge. I have collected my data from three pricing periods. I started with $97 and stayed with that price for the first 16 months. I then moved to $47 for a further 10 months. And I've been on $170 for the last two months. This gives a nice bit of data to work with. We can plot three points on the demand and revenue curves and interpolate between them to get some idea of the shape of the curves.

Second, the product I'm focusing on is actually the single developer versions of CSV Manager and XML Manager. The single developer version is the entry level version of these components and the biggest seller. Both products are also sufficiently similar in style and function that we can acceptably merge their data sets. These curves are representative of the majority of Ricebridge sales.

Third, the scales are linear and they are not zero-based. The curves give you information about the relative values between the three prices.

So what are the curves telling you? Well first, software components ain't no Giffen good. Bummer dude. The demand curve is pretty normal. Push up the price and no-one buys. Flog 'em cheap and you'll get a load of buyers.

More interesting is the revenue curve. This is what actually helps you decide what price is going to make the most money. For software you can pretty much ignore unit costs. The main cost to you of selling an extra unit is just your payment processing fees and they increase linearly. Looking at my curve you can see that there's a sweet spot between the $97 and $170 prices.

So should I reprice at $120? Would you?

Well I'm not going to. There's not enough data for the $170 price yet. I have a feeling it will hit sales harder than it has to date. I think I've just been lucky so far. That pushes the maximum point of the curve closer to $97. Remember, don't panic. Get the data.

You can tell that the $47 price point was a disaster. I stuck with it for too long. The data does not lie. It may have generated higher sales volumes, but overall revenue was significantly down. But hey, I had to know.

Of course, the problem with this entire analysis is that software products change. New versions get released. CSV Manager 1.2 came out last November.  It has new features so you get more for a given price. Let's just ignore that inconvenient factoid — it sorta messes up my lovely graphs!

To return to my pricing decision, I think the only way is up, actually. Given that the revenue difference between $170 and $97 is not that big, and given that new versions will be better value for money, I think on the whole that my price is pretty much about right for the moment. Yes, I am sacrificing volume. It's probably a skimming strategy. Then again, a price penetration strategy against open source (most of the alternative components) would be pretty nuts.

So there you go, if you're thinking of entering the software components market, now you have a bit more to go on. If you're already in the market, you might want to post something similar…

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StelsXML XML JDBC Driver Launched!

I'd like to announce the release of a really cool new product by J-Stels Softare: StelsXML.

“StelsXML is a JDBC type 4 driver that allows you to perform SQL queries and other JDBC operations on XML files. With the StelsXML JDBC driver, you can easily access data contained in your XML documents by using standard SQL syntax and XPath expressions. The driver is completely platform-independent.”

StelsXML uses Ricebridge XML Manager as its underlying XML engine. As you can imagine we're pretty happy to have been chosen for the job and we can heartily recommend the final product. Yet another way to break the impedance mismatch between Java and XML.

So go check StelsXML out!

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CSV Manager 1.2.1 Released!

This is a new release of Ricebridge CSV Manager. New features
include support for Java Beans, a pull/push streaming API for loading and saving CSV, and a simplified set of load and
save methods. The example code has been expanded and now includes line-by-line explanations. It's all detailed on the
What's New page

We're also introducing a new pricing scheme. A free single developer XML Manager license (worth $170) is included FREE with
every CSV Manager license. PLUS, we include a free SIX MONTH email support package (worth $1500) with each purchase.
And if you're an independent
contractor, we've introduced a new option just for you: claim a 50% discount when you link to us from your site or blog!

This version is fully backwards compatible with CSV Manager 1.1 so you won't need to change your existing code.

Existing Ricebridge customers are invited to download the free upgrade from their user accounts.

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Pricing Changes for the Next Release of CSV Manager

We're just putting the finishing touches on the next release of CSV Manager.

It's been a bit of a long haul this one. I decided to alter the naming convention for our CSV loading and saving methods, so that they would be easier to learn. Instead of having loads of methods for each type of data source (File, InputStream, etc), I refactored the API so that the load and save methods take an Object as the data source, and work out for themselves what to do with it. Much easier! Except that it meant rewriting lots of documentation…

I've also decided to add a six-month email support package into every purchase. We were supporting all customers anyway, so let's make it official. This package is worth $1500 by the way. Nice!

And because CSV Manager and XML Manager are really designed to work together, you now get a FREE single-developer license of XML Manager with every CSV Manager purchase. If you'd like to know more about how these two products can be integrated, read our XML to CSV and back again article.

But we are going to put our prices up. There's no way round that one. The price change mostly covers the six-month email support package. We're not a fire-and-forget company. If you use our stuff, we do want to help you get it working for your project. So this seems a better match with what people need. But yes, prices have gone up. Sorry guys! :)

There is some good news. If you're an independent contractor (and we'll have a pretty loose definition of this), and you mention us on your blog, then you can claim a 50% discount on ALL our products. And if you don't have a blog, we'll work something out. This will be a trust thing, so don't be shy – just ask!

And if you've been surfing round our site in the last two months and you think you should get the old prices, well, we agree. Just send us a mail explaining the situation and we'll sort you out. This should help ease the pain a bit. Only valid for 2006, etc., etc.

So what are the new prices? We'll be launching very soon, so you'll find out this week… stay tuned!

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Would You Like Good Documentation?

So would I kid, you got any?

We're about to launch the next version of CSV Manager. It's coming out Real Soon Now. :)

The thing is, I'm pretty much obsessed with having really high-quality API documentation. I mean, most Java API documentation is really tragic. One liners, out-of-date, misspellings, rotten links, no context. All that sort of evil stuff.

I want Ricebridge documentation to be different. But by God, it's hard. Writing good API documentation is the most difficult thing I ever done. It's not technically difficult, it's psychologically difficult. You see, every item of text has to be context-independent. You have to be able to jump into the API docs at any point and get pretty much all the information you need, or find links to it at least. That means that each item of documentation is highly repetitive and must contain lots of redundancy. This is what makes the API documentation “good”. You can always find out what you need to know right away, right where you are.

But it makes it a right royal pain to write. A major major job. But I think it's worth it. It's a differentiator, to go all business-speak on you. It's part of what makes Ricebridge components different. We don't answer support questions by saying “go ask in the forums, and you might get an answer…” Documentation, which you pay for, is where you should find what you need.

Are we there yet? No way. We're not even 10%. But I do know we're a lot better than most. We care, at least.

It's very frustrating though, because I don't know how to do it better. Writing good API documentation just seems to be hard problem. You can't outsource it easily. Only the person who wrote the code really understands it. You can't just dump a lot of text on someone and expect them to “make it better”. You need someone who has domain knowledge. And there just aren't that many copywriters out there who know enough about Java.

I don't mean to dump on copywriters in general by the way, but I've just seen far too much software documentation that was obviously written by someone who was not given sufficient technical support. It's unfair on the copywriter as well. I want to be specific about this problem. I 'm not taking about user manuals or introductory guides or even reference material. I'm taking about hard-core technical documentation for developers. Our products do not have a GUI, so the only way you can even understand how they work is to program with them. If you can't program, you can't even experience them, which seems essential for writing about them.

I don't know. Am I being to hard? Too stuck in my box? If you reckon you're a dab hand at writing Java API documentation and you're freelance, drop me a line and we'll look you up the next time. I am willing to try.

So in the meantime we soldier on and I have to write it myself. It actually takes longer than the coding. No it really does. But you know what, I'm proud of the results and every single customer loves our documentation, so we'll stick with it.

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Still Learning to Touch Type

I am still working away on the touch typing. My drills have taken a hit recently as some of my projects have ramped up quite a bit. It was ever thus…

I'm also getting pretty frustrated with learn2type. They have 6 levels of typing skill and you are supposed to progress through the levels by gaining better accuracy and speed. However I have been stuck at level 3 for a long time now. This level is quite a big jump from the first two. My performance has been stuck at around 75%. Learn2Type has this performance measure that applies to each practice run — I don't know how they calculate it. Anyway, I just don't seem to be able to break through the barrier.

Obviously, I just have to keep at it until it “clicks”. But I do think that the design of the system is incorrect. Level progression is an important reward strategy for skill building. All good computer game concepts have level-progression very carefully fine-tuned, so that the player gets constant positive encouragment. The same thing applies in this case. Except that learn2type have got it wrong. Instead of 6 levels there should be 60. That way you can keep moving up levels all the time. That's how you generate “addiction”. Right now, learn2type has turned into a chore.

The other niggly thing about learn2type is that the font used to display the text you have to type in is a very bad font. It's hard to tell the difference between 1 (one) and l (el). Or 0 (zero) and O (Oh). Now this is just silly. Not choosing a good monospace font for typing lessons is a pretty major blunder. Not sure how they let this one get through. It's not a show-stopper, but it is annoying.

Anyway, onwards…

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